Are Creator Resins safer to use?
Creator Series Resins have greatly reduced skin and eye irritation, and inhalation hazards, as compared to resins that contain ACMO. Creator Resins still require the use of nitrile gloves. For more information on ACMO, visit
Which 3D printers are compatible with Creator Resins?
The Creator Resin Series was created specifically for use with non-Formlabs LCD and DLP resin printers. It is compatible with almost all LCD and DLP printers, with validated settings for 7 popular printer models. Creator Resins are not supported on Formlabs SLA printers.
What's different about the settings for Creator Resins?
Because Creator Resins are ACMO-Free and use less hazardous chemicals, the exposure times are slightly higher than other resins. Please only use Formlabs validated settings, available on the Print Settings page.
Where are Creator Resins sold?
Creator Resins are available through the Amazon Marketplace in the United States.